Academic Papers
Yue, M. X., Marquart, K., & Carr, J. (2018). Integrated Teacher Resource Package (ITRP) – Environmental Science 11: Examining the Anthropogenic Effects to Environmental, Social, and Personal Spheres of Sustainability from a Macroscopic and Holistic Systems Perspective. CBU Fundamentals of Sustainability. Retrieved from https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/ac52ff_ec8da90aba114bca83ac2f8addbf8993.pdf
Yue, M. X., & Barr, C. (2017). Capstone Project: Quantitative Risk Analysis of the Upper Fraser River White Sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) using a Probability Viability Analysis (PVA). UNBC Conservation Biology. Retrieved from https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/ac52ff_62e89a9d1caa4294b46175f2cea692b2.pdf
Yue, M. X. (2017). Programmed to Destroy: Tale of The Deadly Vespa Mandarinia. UNBC Insects, Fungi, and Society. Retrieved from https://biol421.opened.ca/programmed-to-destroy-tale-of-the-deadly-vespa-mandarinia-solice-one-bite-at-a-time/
Yue, M. X. (2015). Salps, the Goo of Stealth and Survival! UNBC Invertebrate Zoology. Retrieved from https://blogs.unbc.ca/biol202/2015/05/02/salps-the-goo-of-stealth-and-survival/