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Digital Pedagogy: Snagit & Camtasia


Reviewed by Michael X. Yue





An introductory overview of the need of digital pedagogy to enhance contemporary student-led learning in the emergence of the digital era. Aspects of learning, engagement, self-regulation, and sustainability were acknowledged to better reflect modern education. SnagIt and Camtasia developed by Techsmith is a digital software company which specifically caters towards education, designng innovative, creative, effective, and convenient applications to transform conventional pedagogy.                             


Table 1. Adadpted and modified summary lists of the needs and benefits to integrate digital pedagogy from Danny Mareco's (2017) article, 10 Reasons Today’s Students NEED Technology in the Classroom.

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Technology has become a more prevalent and  progressive integration to all societies around the globe; the digital imprint and effects are ubiquitous to all cities. However, despite the strong prevalence, accessibility, and convenience of technology in our everyday lives, they continue be limited within the classroom learning environment.


Technology is often seen as a deficit to class learning as many educators struggle to combat their student cellular usage within their classrooms. However, this futile endeavour is insanity. There is a commonly stated proverb idiom, that "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." This philosophical expression aligns with the relentless struggles of contemporary educators in an emerging digital world when it comes to electronic devices and student engagement. However, what happens if this was not the case? Anecdotal and peer-reviewed evidence suggest that digital integration may be an essential and transformative tool for the future leaders of tomorrow (Table 1.; Philip & Garcia, 2013).


Philip & Gracia (2013) and Table 1. suggest that technology can be double-edge sword if parameters of accountability and reliability measures are altered. However, when the support is available, technological education holistically transform and evolve education for the phenomenology of digital emergence within societies. In the modern era, a good teacher may have great professional educator skills and pedagogy, but a great teacher also has technological pedagogy (Figure 1.). 


Sustainability has been an progressive movement and integration of communities in many parts of the world. The integration of digital e-learning pedagogy can be an active and prospective practice to enhance conservation and preservation of paper-based products, while innovating pedagogical effectiveness, relevancy, digital citizenship skills (Shonfeld & Tal, 2017). In addition, this waste reduction strategy has profound, positive ecological ramifications to Earth's biosphere health by limiting the carbon footprint.


Not only may digital pedagogy be absolutely essentially in an emerging digital age, it influences personal, social, cultural, environmental, and economic factors on a local, regional, and global scale (Cartridge World, 2018; Eshet, 2012; Shonfeld & Tal, 2017). 

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Figure 1. A   description-based mathematical ana-logy  to  understand   the three main  qualities of a great  teacher (in context of the contemporary dig-ital   era  of  e du-cation). This  arithmetic  analogy was personally based-off the       inspirations      of summation.


Figure 2. A artistic sketch by One Tree Planted to portray the extreme dependency of paper-based education. Image was retrieved from (CC BY-SA 4.0). 



Snagit and Camtasia are educational software programs to digital pedagogy within and beyond the classroom environment, designed by the company Techsmith. Both Snagit and Camtasia are complementary screencasting programs which capture real time footage in a streamlined interface, specifically designed for professional educators. 








Introduction into SnagIt & Camtasia




Philip, T., & Garcia, A. (2013). The importance of still teaching the iGeneration: New technologies and the centrality of pedagogy. Harvard Educational Review, 83(2), 300-319.


Shonfeld, M., & Tal, H. (2017). The voice of teachers in a paperless classroom. Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects, 13(1), 185-196.


Eshet, Y. (2012). Thinking in the digital era: A revised model for digital literacy. Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, 9(2), 267-276.




Yue, M. X. (2019).  A Local Ambition to Promote a Local Solution: Redesigning Community Development &

Planning for All Citizens. TeacherMrYue. Retrieved from


Professional & Academic Affiliations 

BCTF & TQS Member

BCScTA Member 

CBU Candidate

UBC Alumnus

HarvardX Alumnus

TRU Alumnus

UNBC Alumnus


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Digital Signature:  Yue, M. X. (date). TeacherMrYue. Retrieved from



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