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Forest Restoration 

Tree Planting 

Organization: Nata Reforestation

Provinces: British Columbia & Alberta

Peace Service: 2013 - 2015

Species: Lodgepole Pine (Pinus contorta) &  White Spruce (Picea gluaca).

Effective Quota: 9.6 Million Trees

Personal Peace Work: 174, 189 Trees


Yue, M. X. (2013-2015). Tree Planter & Oil Well Land Reforestor. Sustainability Initiative in Northern British Columbia and Alberta - Lodgepole Pine (Pinus contorta) &  White Spruce (Picea gluaca). Nata Reforestation. Personal Experience.



environmental philanthropy 

Forest Sponsor

Organization: Ecosia

Influence: International

Peace Service: 2015 - Present

Species: Flowering Trees (Anthophyta)

Effective Quota: 35 Million Trees

Personal Contribution: 102 Trees


Yue, M. X. (2015-2018). Search Engine Philanthropy. Ecosia. Personal Experience.


Professional & Academic Affiliations 

BCTF & TQS Member

BCScTA Member 

CBU Candidate

UBC Alumnus

HarvardX Alumnus

TRU Alumnus

UNBC Alumnus


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Intellectual Property:  (Student Authorized) Attribution- NonCommercial - Non-ShareAlike CC BY-NC-NSA

Images: Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0


Digital Signature:  Yue, M. X. (date). TeacherMrYue. Retrieved from



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