Inquiry into the evidence of HPS & Living School emergence at Charles Hays Secondary School Through reflectional templates of learning
Michael Yue Nov. 1, 2019
Health Promoting Schools
Definition: Based on the World Health Organization (WHO), the Health Promoting Schools (HPS) concept is a framework to improve the quality of life of all individuals through activism of health promotion and educational attainment that constantly strengthens health capacity and literacy in settings for living, learning and working.
Efficacy: A meta-analysis from Langford et al. (2015) provided empirically validation of the efficacy of the Health Promoting Schools (HPS) concept, with a strong positive effects on overall health of learners, including obesity and addiction..
Framework: The Health Promoting Schools (HPS) concept is based on three main framework pillars of health: (1) School curriculum, (2) Ethos and/or Environment, (3) Families and/or Communities.

Figure 1. Based on Langford et al.'s meta-analysis study on the World Health Organization (WHO)'s Health Promoting Schools (HPS) concept, the framework is based on School Curriculum, Ethos and/or Environment and Families and/or Communities.
Reflection: A Joint Consortium for School Health (JCSH) Healthy School Planner template was used as an Action Plan for the emergence of Health Promoting Schools (HPS) evidence at Charles Hays Secondary School.
Figure 2. Charles Hays Secondary School (CHSS) Action Plan template by Michael X. Yue and CHSS colleagues.
Evidence: With the assistance of staff and student input, a list selection list of the World Health Organization (WHO)'s values were adopted and translated and categorized according to the three framework pillars of Health Promoting Schools (HPS) at Charles Hays Secondary School: (1) School curriculum, (2) Ethos and/or Environment, (3) Families and/or Communities.
Table 2. Based on the World Health Organization's values and virtues of Health Promoting Schools (HPS), the Charles Hays Secondary School (CHSS) community (staff, students, and parents) assisted with the categorization of WHO's goals to School Curriculum, Ethos and/or Environment, and Families and/or Communities. Organization tables was synthesized my Michael X. Yue.
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Living Schools
Definition: Based on O’Brien & Howard (2016), The Living School concept is a holistic concept which is "predicated on a deep sense of meaningful contact with others and the larger living world that fundamentally carries our lives forward."
Efficacy: Livings schools which fosters New Pedagogy for Deep Learning (NPDL), Project-Based Learning (PBL), Real-World learning (RWL), and Flipped Classroom are immerse pedagogical approaches to foster interconnectedness that extends beyond a traditional classroom (Cardullo et al., 2018; O’Brien & Howard, 2016).
Framework: Based on Howard & O'Brien (2018), the Living Schools concept focuses around five major attributes and practices: Value & Vision, (2) Leadership, (3) Teaching & Learning, (4) Nature & Place-based Orientation, and (5) Health & Well-Being.

Figure 3. Living Schools Attributes & Practice principles from Howard & O'Brien (2016).
Reflection & Evidence: The Living Schools Discussion Chart template by O'Brien & Howard (2018) was used a medium to reflect on Charles Hays Secondary School's community, created by Michael Yue and Josh McDonald (a CHSS colleague). Suggestions feedback from CHSS community assisted in shaping the nature of this Living Schools Discussion Chart.
Cardullo, V. M., Wilson, N. S., & Zygouris-Coe, V. I. (2018). Enhanced student engagement through active learning and emerging technologies. In Student Engagement and Participation: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 399-417). IGI Global.
Langford, R., Bonell, C., Jones, H., Pouliou, T., Murphy, S., Waters, E., ... & Campbell, R. (2015). The World Health Organization’s Health Promoting Schools framework: a Cochrane systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC public health, 15(1), 130.
O’Brien, C., & Howard, P. (2016). The living school: The emergence of a transformative sustainability education paradigm. Journal of Education for Sustainable Development, 10(1), 115-130.
World Health Organization. (n.d.) What is a health promoting school? Retrieved from https://www.who.int/school_youth health/gshi/hps/en/
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Yue, M. X. (2019). Inquiry into the evidence of HPS & Living School emergence at Charles Hays Secondary School Through reflectional templates of learning. TeacherMrYue. Retrived from https://teachermryue.wixsite.com/mysite/