HighlightED Publications

Yue, M. X. (2021). An Inquiry into the Educational Learning Needs of High School Students: Professional Development of a Reflexive, Reflective, and Transformative Science Curriculum. CBU Sustainability, Creativity, and Innovation Capstone Project. Retrieved from https://8f976732-0813-49db-b6ad-f5b61a4b06ae.filesusr.com/ugd/ac52ff_3990d98f14af4c848a63768758583108.pdf.
Yue, M. X., Marquart, K., & Carr, J. (2018). Integrated Teacher Resource Package (ITRP) – Environmental Science 11: Examining the Anthropogenic Effects to Environmental, Social, and Personal Spheres of Sustainability from a Macroscopic and Holistic Systems Perspective. CBU Fundamentals of Sustainability. Retrieved from https://docs.
wixstatic.com/ugd/ac52ff_ec8da90aba114bca83ac2f8addbf8993.pdf .
Yue, M. X. (2018). An Inspiration into Sustainability. TeacherMrYue.
Retrieved from https://teachermryue.wixsite.com/mysite/an-inspiration-into-sustainability .
Yue, M. X., & Barr, C. (2017). Capstone Project: Quantitative Risk Analysis of the Upper Fraser River White Sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) using a Probability Viability Analysis (PVA). UNBC Conservation Biology. Retrieved from https://docs.wixstatic.com/ ugd/ac52ff_62e89a9d1caa4294b46175f2cea692b2.pdf .
Yue, M. X. (2019, January 19). Personal Reflection & Review: Creativity and Innovation. TeacherMrYue. Retrieved from https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/ac52ff_1c4b6c793f584caf8405505222ea53e5.pdf .
Yue, M. X. (2019, January 26). Personal Reflection & Review: Entrepreneurship. TeacherMrYue.
Retrieved from https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/ac52ff_4866f803599143f58b85d07fe8606be3.pdf .
Yue, M. X. (2019, February 02). Personal Reflection & Review: Entrepreneurial Mindset. TeacherMrYue. Retrieved from https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/ac52ff_6b4ac2a322c640e8818f2f38aee5619e.pdf .
Yue, M. X. (2019, February 09). Personal Reflection & Review: Entrepreneurial Fostering. TeacherMrYue. Retrieved from https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/ac52ff_99967a56b9ca4dc8974581d91959739d.pdf .
Yue, M. X. (2019, February 14). Personal Reflection & Review: Innovative Pedagogies. TeacherMrYue. Retrieved from https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/ac52ff_4547d65bdb4b41e6bb6808787304c267.pdf .
Yue, M. X. (2019, February 17). Personal Reflection & Review: Enterprise & Entrepreneurship. TeacherMrYue. Retrieved from https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/ac52ff_3ca484e86ed4479c8841b3d381b324fc.pdf .
Yue, M. X. (2019, February 18). Personal Reflection & Review: Global Campus or Holistic Connectivity?TeacherMrYue. Retrieved from https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/ac52ff_2379abaceb354ccf9e2bff3e93dfc9f8.pdf .
Yue, M. X. (2019, May 11). The Natural Connection: Place & Epistemology. TeacherMrYue. Retrieved from
https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/ac52ff_5380b198e16e437ca89849afd0a260ff.pdf .
Yue, M. X. (2019, June 3). Organized Chaos: Experiential Learning Through Physical Interactions. TeacherMrYue. Retrieved from https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/ac52ff_1f67366a87b44efeaa2201fa529150f7.pdf
Yue, M. X. (2019, July 2). Restorative Education: Relearning Traditional Ways of Knowing. TeacherMrYue. Retrieved from https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/ac52ff_efc4d946f33a42c5a29af68c0e3cf550.pdf
Yue, M. X. (2019, July 16). Examining the Intersectional Overlaps Between the Pedagogical and Ethical Relationships Associated with the Central Dogma of Critical Animal Studies Principles and Ecological Education. TeacherMrYue. Retrieved from https://1drv.ms/p/s!AuK5-HmrgYQjg2vBsjgTxdpHwiKu and https://1drv.ms/p/s!AuK5-HmrgYQjg2vBsjgTxdpHwiKu
Yue, M. X. (2019, September 16). Review: Healthy School Communities Concept Paper by Propel Centre for Population Health Impact​. TeacherMrYue. Retrieved from https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/ac52ff_ 90a528f9c0ec41eda4e70aa1aed3eb74.pdf
CS4PR. (2018, December 09). "I'm connecting with the environment and connecting with the community...." An Interview with Michael Yue. Retrieved from https://www.completestreetsforprincerupert.com/news/.
Yue, M. (2018, December 09). Why is Digital Citizenship Citizenship so Important? Retrieved from https://www.completestreetsforprincerupert.com/news/.