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An Inspiration into Sustainability


Curated by Michael X. Yue





In this story-based tale of inspiration and empowerment, the personal, social, and environmental spheres of sustainability will be explored. In this holistic journey of sustainability, the emergence and inquiry of perspective, interconnectedness, and change will be examined. 

01 - Man Vs. Earth        

(5 Minutes)


Description: Exploration of human influence to Earth on a macroscopic scale from critical lense of ecology, exploitation, and sustainability in the biosphere.  



03 - a new story of sustainability


(3 Minutes)


Description: A revisional tale of what it means to build and maintain a prosperous world from a ecological and sustainable perspective - a transformative journey to listen to the silhouettes of nature.

05 - bhutan: kingdom of happiness


(2 Minutes)


Description: Envisioning a nation of happiness rather than a nation of materialism in the present and future; a Bhutan inspired perception of personal, social, and environmental importance for a thriving community.   

07 - How To Be Environmentally Friendly  - Top Ten Tips


(2 Minutes)


Description: A pictorially-based video which promotes an array of practical initiatives revolving around sustainability on a daily basis. This film provides common leadership actions which one can take to build a sustainable future. 

02 - Sustainability- told as a Children's Fairy Tale     

(2 Minutes)


Description: An unfolding tale of a king who wanted to be rich and successful. The king soon realizes that initial way of governing was not as prosperous as he originally thought it would be. 

04 - land of our ancestors


(2 Minutes)


Description: A narrative emergence of reconnection, respect, and republic to Mother Earth. This video explores the ancestral stories of the past and present from a First Nation perspective.

06 - sustainability - A bright tomorrow


(1 Minute)


Description: A narrative film designed by the City of Edmonton which highlights the awareness and importance of environmental preservation and integration in a developing community. 

08 - how others are inspiring a sustainable future


(11 Minutes)


Description: An aspirational and supplemental video which highlights how some entrepreneurs are change agents for scaffolding and leading a sustainable and healthy world.  


09 - figure 1. Imagining a Sustainable Future: A creative literacy poster which highlights innovation for sustainability in the future. Art piece is derived from Curtin University for a 2012 sustainability exhibition at Little Creatures, courtesy of Anne Matan (CC BY 3.0).

Curation Debrief


I hope that you enjoyed the video playlist; it may have inspired, awoken, or changed your perspective on sustainability from a personal, social, and environmental (PSE) view. The objective of this curation collection was to resonate the interconnectedness of humans to our biosphere, with every action influencing the system which we live within. By using a story-based narrative, hopefully it was an inspirational and captivating triumph and journey through the perspective of sustainability. The story progressed from materialism to holistic unity to empowerment. Economic and materialistic values were attenuated as the story advanced; reimagination, holistic healing, and leadership unraveled. This curation portrayed an evolutionary progression of sustainability and sustainable practices in the contemporary world. Elements of aboriginal knowledge were thematically integrated and scaffolded by the Social Ecology Model of Sustainability found in Mulligan's (2018) textbook publication: An Introduction Into Sustainability. 





01 - Prince Ea. (2015). Man vs Earth. Retrieved from

02 - World From Above HD. (2013). Sustainability: told as a Children's Fairy Tale with Beautiful Montage (HD).                            Retrieved from

03 - Mac Macartney (2017). A new Story of Sustainability. Retrieved from

04 - Indigenous Tourism BC. (2012). Land of Our Ancestors. Retrieved from

05 - Crows Nest. (2017). Bhutan - Kingdom of Happiness. Retrieved from

06 - City of Edmonton. (2016). Sustainability - A Bright Tomorrow. Retrieved from                                 v=BWdt72wlHhw

07 - The Coloured Scribbles. (2010). How To Be Environmentally Friendly - Top 10 Tips.                       v=l9T3gUSH3d4.

08 - Cool Gadgets & Stuff. (2016). 5 Incredible Eco-Friendly Life Changing Inventions. Retrieved from https://www.                         

09 - Matan, A. (2012). Art Exhibition: Imagine Visions for our Sustainable Future. Cortin University. Retrieved from https://                            future/.

Professional & Academic Affiliations 

BCTF & TQS Member

BCScTA Member 

CBU Candidate

UBC Alumnus

HarvardX Alumnus

TRU Alumnus

UNBC Alumnus


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Intellectual Property:  (Student Authorized) Attribution- NonCommercial - Non-ShareAlike CC BY-NC-NSA

Images: Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0


Digital Signature:  Yue, M. X. (date). TeacherMrYue. Retrieved from



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