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A Look into Sustainability, Resilience, & Innovation in Prince Rupert


Directed and Curated by Michael X. Yue





An inquiry curation of collective series of videos, interviews, pictures from Prince Rupert, BC, highlighting the ecological importance of sustainable mindfulness and connectivity from multifaceted perspectives and initiatives

Inquiry into the Unknown


A narration and reflection of my personal journey into Prince Rupert. Personal dimensions of sustainability will be explored from a holistic, multifaceted, and connected perspective: curiosity, inquiry, resiliency, mentality, and environmental criticality. The following film footage were a curation of local videos taken within Prince Rupert, assisted by an array of supportive participants in the community. 




Sustainable Importance 


Ken Shaw is an instructor associated with Coast Mountain College (CMTN) in Prince Rupert, BC. Ken Shaw provides insight into the epistemology of sustainability from a foundational and applied perspective on local and global scales. Ken Shaw answers enquiries of interconnective sustainability from view points of economic, environmental, and social, and personal importance. By establishing and integrating mindfulness of environmental care, the resiliency and prosperity of nature and nature may flourish. 

Complete Streets for

Prince Rupert


Chris Lightfoot is the founder of Complete Streets for Prince Rupert. This proposed initiative promotes community redesigning of existing and future streets within Prince Rupert to increase the quality of life for all modes of transportation. Increasing accessibility, mobility, and safety is a vital necessity of health and unity within a community. Chris Lightfoot discusses potential benefits of increasing walkability and cycling in Prince Rupert from a personal, social, and environmental lens.  


fukasaku of prince rupert


Fukasaku of Prince Rupert is a local sushi restaurant which are committed in authentic, sustainable, local, high quality, and healthy ingredients. This young business is making a bold emphasis on sustainable practices to ensure responsible harvesting of fish for future generations to enjoy.  Dai Fukasaku obtains all his seafood from the locally sourced waters of the Pacific Ocean. Fukasaku is the first BC restaurant to be 100% certified by the  Vancouver Aquarium’s Ocean Wise program.


Ground-to-Table Initiative 


Josh McDonald and Melissa Bishop are science educators associated with Charles Hays Secondary School (CHSS). Josh explains the historical background of this initiative while Melissa emphasizes the potentially rich learning opportunities for the students and community at CHSS. This greenhouse is to provide a physical and pragmatic construct of experiential learning while reinforcing ecological systems, sustainability, and experimentation from a Ground-to-Table framework. 


Transition Prince Rupert


Sarah Dantzer is a Treasurer from the board of directors associated with Transition Prince Rupert. This leadership development organization is a framework adapted from the UK for fostering positive, progressive change to empower leadership through community action projects. Sarah Dantzer elaborates on the significance  of contemporary environmental mindfulness from three core pillars of empowerment: Resilience, Sustainability, and Collaboration. 



Thank you to all the active Prince Rupert participants in their contribution to this project; it wouldn't have been possible without all your open cooperation! Special thanks to the CHSS student volunteer in assisting with footage taking in the local community. I would like to express my very great appreciation to all interview participants in providing valuable, constructive, and reflective suggestions during the planning and development of this brief inquiry into sustainability. Everyone's willingness to give their time so generously has been very much appreciated.


Interview Participants: Ken Shaw, Chris Lightfoot, Dai Fukasaku, Josh McDonald, Melissa Bishop, & Sarah Danzter


CHSS Student Volunteers: TBA


digital signature


Yue, M.X. (2018). A Look into Sustainability, Resilience, and Innovation in Prince Rupert. TeacherMrYue. Retrieved from


Professional & Academic Affiliations 

BCTF & TQS Member

BCScTA Member 

CBU Candidate

UBC Alumnus

HarvardX Alumnus

TRU Alumnus

UNBC Alumnus


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Intellectual Property:  (Student Authorized) Attribution- NonCommercial - Non-ShareAlike CC BY-NC-NSA

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Digital Signature:  Yue, M. X. (date). TeacherMrYue. Retrieved from



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